Thanks Alex,

I did not have an actual XWikIGuest user (this feels a bit unsafe but...
let's see) now I have one which I created with the object editor (and is
I still have the attached object XWikiRights with view and edit allowed
for XWiki.XWikiGuest.
But I still can't see the add-attachment button.

Adding GlobalRights on that page (WebHome) didn't change anything either.
I could also see that WebPreferences in that space has the GlobalRights.
But, again.... no change?

What else can I provide as information?
It's a fairly normal wiki where most pages are only editable by
logged-in people, sometimes only groups of them.


> Alexandru Cotiuga <>
> 27 July 2016 at 09:04
> Hello Paul,
> On a clean instance of XWiki 8.2, I created XWiki.XWikiGuest user and
> granted edit and view rights like it is documented on
> AdminGuide/Access+Rights
> <>
> and I can edit pages and upload attachments without being logged in. Also,
> $hasEdit returns true, so I can't reproduce this issue.
> Maybe there are other details that you could share with us?
> Alex
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> Paul Libbrecht <>
> 26 July 2016 at 23:14
> Hello all,
> I've just upgraded my XWiki to 8.2 and have set again the rights for
> view and edit to XWikiGuest.
> However, when I execute the velocity code included, hasEdit shows false
> and, indeed, the attachments tab does not show the upload input button.
> What have I made wrong?
> Do I have a way to debug that?
> Before the upgrade, that page was displaying the attachment box (but
> somehow the upload was broken).
> As a logged-in user inserting attachments works worry free. It really
> seems to be a rights issue.
> thanks in advance.
> paul
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