Hi Ricardo,

Maybe this can help

On Fri, Aug 19, 2016 at 1:43 PM, [IDIS Technical Secretariat] Ricardo
Rodríguez <ricardo.rodrig...@idisantiago.es> wrote:

> Hi!
> I've managed to devote some time to understand how Livetable does work.
> Nice feature! It has been there since the very XWiki beginnings and only
> now I started to feel the power of that macro!
> I needed some time to understand how the table data source is generated,
> but I think I can now more or less manage this point. What I would like to
> do now is to customize rows' appearance depending on cells contents. For
> instance, change background color when cells' content match a given
> string/value. Something like this...
> http://goo.gl/alW3SU
> I don't know to what extent this relies on XWiki features, or it is a
> pure-CSS issue.
> Please, could you point me in the right direction?
> Thanks for your work!
> Ricardo
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