
> On 29 Aug 2016, at 13:11, Eugen Colesnicov <ecolesni...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello,
> I want to exclude servlet action identifier for url path using in multiwiki.
> For example, now my path looks like:
> http://localhost/wiki/test/view/Main/
> (were "test" - name of my wiki)
> I want:
> http://localhost/test/view/Main/
> In a xwki.cfg exists option xwiki.virtual.usepath.servletpath=wiki
> I tried this parameter is set empty
> Also, described, that need to change web.xml
> What (and how) exactly I should change in web.xml? I tried different
> variants (in web.xml exists servlet-mapping for action "wiki"), but without
> correctly result.

What you can change is described here:

AFAIK you can’t remove the wiki identifier part. Note that if it were allowed 
you wouldn’t be able to name a subwiki after a URL type (bin, rest, webjar, 
etc). Since it’s possible to plug new URL types that would lead to collisions.

You could use a domain-base approach, though.


> Thanks beforehand!
> Eugen.
> --
> View this message in context: 
> http://xwiki.475771.n2.nabble.com/Multiwiki-servlet-action-identifier-for-url-path-tp7600954.html

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