
are you sure that the issue is in XWiki?
It's a very very very fragile topic but I think I can be done and it is
considerably more elegant to have URLs that show the native language (I

Can you describe you're exact setup?

A few hints from my experience:
I've seen URLEncoding to be a tomcat context parameter (you want UTF8 I
think, many had the bad habit of taking the platform encoding).
Have you changed the platform encoding of XWiki? (the system properties)
I've also had use of the "nocanon" option of Apache's RewriteRule.

Changing the page-URL to remove accents would not be done in the
URLFactory, it would be done in the page creation template. This would
be the last bit I'd touch as it is multi-fold (e.g. you should start by
using /xwiki/bin/edit/XÑü∂ß instead of /view/XÑü∂ß then click the buttons).


> Miroslav Galajda <mailto:miroslav.gala...@gmail.com>
> 6 September 2016 at 09:04
> Hi, does anyone have idea, how to automatically modify/generate url from
> page title so that the url doesn't contains accents or any special
> characters. I want to achieve simmilar approach used in CMS system
> Umbraco.
> Which creates url based on page title but strips spaces and any characters
> that requires url encoding.
> I've found xwiki.urlfactory.serviceclass in xwiki.cfg. What is
> responsibility of that class? What is it purpose? Can it be used to solve
> my requirement?
> Thanks
> Mirec
> On 11 July 2016 at 21:58, Miroslav Galajda <miroslav.gala...@gmail.com>
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> Miroslav Galajda <mailto:miroslav.gala...@gmail.com>
> 11 July 2016 at 21:58
> Hi, I’m using XWiki in Slovak language which uses accents, which
> consequently causes problems with urls. The urls becomes ugly
> containing encoded characters with accents. Does XWiki have
> integration point out of the box to replace the page name with custom
> one, with stripped accents from it?
> Thank you
> Mirec
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