
With my xwiki7.0.1 to 8.4 upgrade process, I noticed that all my WebHome on 
spaces (with dashboard+{{spaceindex}} macro) are "broken".
After a little bit of search, I understood that spaceindex macro list only 
direct children terminal page...
In some different post from dev list, it seem that I must use {{documentTree}} 
macro instead.

My spaces dashboard use
{{spaceindex sort="modificationDate" count="20" /}}
to list the 20 more recents page and I added a shortcut to 
/bin/view/Main/SpaceIndex?space=MySpace (broken too:-( )

Could you give me some advices how can I replace my "spaceindex" to:
- list the 20 more recents page (terminale and none terminale) on current space?
I didn't found a "modificationDate" sorting parameter in {{documentTree}}
- replace my target /Main/SpaceIndex?space=MySpace by ... ???
Probably I must create a custom LT to list every sub pages

Finaly, may be a caution text must be added on this page: 
(ie "don't use this macro anymore with nested page!" or "list only direct 
children terminal page ")

Thxs for your help.


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