Hi All,

I exported older xwiki contents and imported them back into newer xwiki 8.2.1.
I can see that few pages are breaking asking below issue:

org.xwiki.rendering.macro.MacroExecutionException: The execution of the 
[velocity] script macro is not allowed. Check the rights of its last author or 
the parameters if it's rendered from another script.

Can anyone tell me that how to enable rights for macro?

Thanks & Regards,

From: Kumar, Piyush
Sent: Friday, January 13, 2017 4:45 PM
To: 'users@xwiki.org'
Subject: Help needed to distinguish xwiki contents created by user

Hi All,

I am exporting old xwiki workspace to new version 8.2.1 xwiki instance. While 
import I need to select form available pages in .XAR file. I went through the 
xwiki documents which says that we should only import the content written by 

Can anyone help me to know the way I can differentiate the contents? If I 
import any content created by main xwiki instance then this information may 
override on newer version same content.

Thanks & Regards

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