
> On 28 Jan 2017, at 11:14, WikiNote Org <thewikinote...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I use box macro to include the summary of page. But editing that summary
> needs editing box macro Content.
> In such editing we can't simply use the WYSIWYG. That means, I am forced to
> write the content in wiki code, which I want to avoid.
> It would be nice if I could edit text in box in WYSIWYG mode like a normal
> text editing (like Word Processor).
> Any help appreciated..

Yes this is a known limitation. We need to improve the Macro dialog box to 
support that. Personally I feel that we’ve pushed this issue for too long and 
that we should put it in the roadmap sooner than later. Feel free to vote for 
it at http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XWIKI-6371

Right now the only workaround I can think of would be to move your content in 
another wiki page and use the WYSIWYG to edit it and then use the following box 
macro content:

{{include reference=“Page1.Page2.WebHome”/}}

(Where Page1.Page2.WebHome is the reference to your page having the content).


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