
This page :  
distinguishes between quick installs and production installs.  It lists the 
standalone in the former.

Is there anything unsuitable about the standalone install being used for 
production purposes?   I've been asked to make a server with 500GB for our new 
XWiki installation, in anticipation of organization-wide use.

After I hit a speedbump or two with the WAR installation, I concluded that by 
not using the standalone installer I was going against the flow, and would be 
better off doing as suggested, as stated on the AdminGuide Installation page:  
"This is the recommended option for first time XWiki users and for users who 
wish to quickly try out XWiki."

Should I go back to the WAR installation given the production nature of the 
requirement/anticipated use?

Related:  I see there is a .deb installer but none for YUM.  We use mostly 
CentOS.  Am I doing myself a dis-service by trying to use CerntOS for this, and 
would be better off using Ubuntu?

Thanks very much

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