I can file a bug report.
Just wanted to add something I forgot to mention and make sure it is still a 

If I leave the field "parent" within skin.properties empty the error occurs.
If I explicitly add flamingo "parent=flamingo" the error does not occur.

>From the description in the documentation I assumed it is not necessary to add 
>the parent because it is defined in "xwiki.defaultbaseskin" within "xwiki.cfg".

Is it a bug or a feature?

Am 02.05.2017 15:20:52 schrieb Thomas Mortagne <thomas.morta...@xwiki.com>:
Looks like a bug to me. Would be great if you could create an issue on
http://jira.xwiki.org and detail the steps to reproduce it.

On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 2:50 PM, Interaktionsweise
> Hi,
> I tried two skins with the same edits.
> I only changed the file companylogo.vm and added a file logo-company.png.
> The skin.properties file points to flamingo as parent.
> In one skin folder I copied all of the flamingo files and edited as described.
> If I change the skin for the wiki everything is as expected and the changes 
> show up with the newly set skin.
> The other skin folder only has the edited files
> _ companylogo.vm
> _ logo-company.png
> _ skin.properties
> If I switch to this skin, tested changing it only for one page, I see an 
> error "You are not allowed to view this page or perform this action" after 
> pressing save.
> If I try to switch to the changed page from the wiki frontend, I only see a 
> blank page.
> Is there something I'm doing wrong? Why is there no inheritance?
> Regards,
> sthag
> Interaktionsweise [https://interaktionsweise.de] ยท ne...@interaktionsweise.de 
> [mailto:ne...@interaktionsweise.de]
> Am 02.05.2017 10:32:23 schrieb Thomas Mortagne :
> On Tue, May 2, 2017 at 9:55 AM, Interaktionsweise
> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I'm trying to create a new skin. I followed the section Skins within the 
>> Developer's Guide and also Platform Features / Skins.
>> The article "How to create a new skin" says to copy the whole colibri 
>> (should be flamingo by now) skin folder and make an example change. Then 
>> there is a part about skin.properties. The property "parent" indicates a 
>> skin to inherit from. It says that it always has a value, even if I don't 
>> explicitly enter one for myself it will inherit from WAR or whatever is 
>> configured in "xwiki.defaultbaseskin".
>> Does that mean I don't have to copy the whole flamingo folder if I reference 
>> flamingo as "parent"? This way I could only create a custom named folder 
>> within the xwiki/skins folder with the skin.properties file and for example 
>> a logo.png file which would replace the flamingo logo.png file.
> Yes you can inherit from Flamingo, no need to duplicate it if you just
> want to customize some templates only.
>> I don't understand the behavior and the functionality of this inheriting and 
>> parent child relation of skins from the articles in the documentation. Why 
>> have a parent if I copy the whole skin folder anyways?
>> Regards,
>> sthag
> --
> Thomas Mortagne

Thomas Mortagne

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