[[Note: The XWiki project is switching away from this mailing list and moving 
to a forum: https://discourse.xwiki.org. This list will be made readonly in a 
few days. Please post on the forum from now on. Thanks.]]

Hi Marius,

FYI this mail was sent to the users list by the forum (see on IRC). We should 
reply on the forum, see:

That’s one reason I’d like to make the user list readonly ASAP. Would be great 
to have some more answers on that (see other thread) :)


> On 2 Jun 2017, at 18:56, Marius Dumitru Florea 
> <mariusdumitru.flo...@xwiki.com> wrote:
> [[Note: The XWiki project is switching away from this mailing list and moving 
> to a forum: https://discourse.xwiki.org. This list will be made readonly in a 
> few days. Please post on the forum from now on. Thanks.]]
> -----
> On Fri, Jun 2, 2017 at 6:09 PM, Nick Martin <nore...@discourse.xwiki.org>
> wrote:
>> [[Note: The XWiki project is switching away from this mailing list and
>> moving to a forum: https://discourse.xwiki.org. This list will be made
>> readonly in a few days. Please post on the forum from now on. Thanks.]]
>> -----
>> So i've been playing with Xwiki for the past 2 months since 9.2 release
>> using the standalone distribution to demo the solution. I've noticed a
>> particular odd behavior though when i'm upgrading from 9.2 -> 9.3.1 and now
>> -> 9.4
>> So couple things to know:
>> * Static IP address on host
>> * Change the port number on my install base to port 80
>> After installing the new distribution (letting it install in its own
>> folder, separate from the original install base) and then shutting down the
>> old instance, copying my HSQLDB database + Log directory to my new
>> installation, reconfiguring it to use port 80 and then spinning up the new
>> instance. I go through the motions of using the Distro Wizard to perform
>> the upgrade, once the upgrade is complete I notice, for example:
>> * Certain macros are broken, treedoc for example, are broken (I just get a
>> white space as if nothing is there in that section)
>> * As well as the breadcrumb navigation in the header section (when you
>> click the down arrow next to the home section, you get no menu pop down).
>> Screenshot attached for reference.
>> ![](https://discourse.xwiki.org/uploads/default/original/1X/
>> 8152eac10809bdf44101e88e3d63be67bcf02a7b.png)
>> * When I go to edit a page I get a infinite spinning circle
>> So I did some playing around, cleaned out my 9.4 installation, deleted any
>> remaining install folders left behind for 9.4 and then performed a
>> reinstall of 9.4 using its default installation folders. Once done, I left
>> the installation as is (did not copy my DB over) and the only change I made
>> was changed the port number on my new installation to port 80 and made sure
>> all of my previous 9.3.1 instances were spun down (even rebooted the VM)
>> before I spun up 9.4. Once i've spun up 9.4 I still experience the same
>> behavior. Where certain macros are broken (doctree), breadcrumbs are broken
>> in the header section, and editing pages gives me a infinite spinning
>> circle. If I spin down this instance, change the port number back to port
>> 8080, then spin the instance back up, everything will work as intended.
>> I've also managed to replicate this behavior by taking a known good
>> installation, spin down the active session, change the IP address on the
>> host, and spin it back up. I have not had a chance to test and see if I can
>> replicate this behavior on a full blown WAR install base.
>> But it seems like something is being cached that's not being released and
>> it's still referencing the old port numbers, or ip address.
> Yes, all the JavaScript code and the CSS styles are being cached by your
> browser. Try to clear the browser cache.
> Hope this helps,
> Marius
>> ---
>> [Visit Topic](https://discourse.xwiki.org/t/xwiki-upgrade-
>> breaks-certain-functionality-standalone-distro/149/1) to respond.
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