Hi Jeff,

Thanks for starting this issue.

It increases flexibility of improving interpreters itself but it can also
decreases stability of interpreters. I'm worried about this side-effect. As
you mentioned, it's hard for me to review new interpreter that I didn't use
but it couldn't be a reason why we divide some code from Zeppelin. We have
to make more ppl as committers to review various interpreters. Thus I don't
want some interpreters out of Zeppelin.

But I, totally, agree about #3, #4. If we deploy minimum package of
Zeppelin, we have to provide GUI for install/uninstall. If it's done,
bin-all-pkg is meaningless and bin-min-pkg is enough.

On Fri, Jan 20, 2017 at 7:14 PM, Jeff Zhang <zjf...@gmail.com> wrote:

> As we talk in another thread [1] about moving some interpreters out of
> zeppelin project. I open this thread to discuss it in more details. I'd
> like to raise 4 questions for this.
> 1. Do we need to do this
> 2. If the answer is yes, which interpreters should be moved out
> 3. How do we integrate these interpreters into zeppelin
> 4. How does zeppelin work with these third party interpreters
> I will first give my inputs on this.
> *1. Do we need to do this ?*
> Personally, I strongly +1 on this. Several reasons:
>    - Keep the zeppelin project much smaller
>    - Each interpreter's improvements won't be blocked by the release of
>    zeppelin. Interpreters can has its own release cycle as long as
>    zeppelin-interpreter doesn't break the compatibility.
>    - Zeppelin developer don't have the knowledge of all interpreters.
>    Sometimes it is very difficult for zeppelin committers to review a new
>    interpreter that he doesn't know.
> 2. Which interpreters should be moved out ?
> We can discuss it  in another thread about the min package.
> 3. How do we integrate these interpreters into zeppelin
> Currently, user can install third party interpreter by running script (
> http://zeppelin.apache.org/docs/0.7.0-SNAPSHOT/manual/
> interpreterinstallation.html#3rd-party-interpreters), but this is not
> convienient, and it is hard to let every user to be aware of this feature.
> So I think we should do that in zeppelin UI. We should allow user to
> install/uninstall/upgrade/downgrade third party interpreters in the
> interpreter page.
> 4. How does zeppelin work with these third party interpreters
> Besides the interface zeppelin expose to the third party interpreter to be
> install/uninstall/upgrade/downgrade, it is third party interpreter's own
> responsibility to develop and make new release.
> Please help comment on these 4 questions and feel free to add any things
> that I miss.
> [1] https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/69f606409790d7ba11422e8c6df941
> a75c5dfae0aca63eccf2f840bf@%3Cusers.zeppelin.apache.org%3E

이종열, Jongyoul Lee, 李宗烈

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