We have multiple uses in our organization share same anonymous account, which 
will potentially cause the problems, we hope to have true authenticated mode. 


> On Feb 22, 2017, at 9:14 PM, Jongyoul Lee <jongy...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi folks,
> Recently, I've heard some new feature assumed that it needed the admin 
> account or similar role. But Apache Zeppelin doesn't have any admin feature 
> like hiding/showing menu and settings. I want to know how community thinks 
> about that feature.
> My first concern is that we have to consider two modes: anonymous and 
> authenticated.
> Feel free to start the discussion on pros and cons.
> Regards,
> Jongyoul
> -- 
> 이종열, Jongyoul Lee, 李宗烈
> http://madeng.net <http://madeng.net/>

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