
Thanks for the interest to the project and sharing the problem.
I took a look code in your repo. And i think there're easier way to do.

Since you're trying to add JS dependency and interpreter prints some HTML
and run JS, you can consider either writing new visualization [1] or
writing new spell [2].
Both you can implement in JS and publish to npm. And then Zeppelin users
able to install them in runtime in 'helium' menu.


Let me know if you have any questions.


On Tue, Mar 7, 2017 at 2:01 AM Aurélien Hébert <
aurelien.heb...@cityzendata.com> wrote:

> Hello Apache Zeppelin team,
> For our open-source project we built a web component to visualize time
> series data. As I like to develop some demo on Zeppelin I developed a
> Zeppelin interpreter to communicate with it.
> Right now, I have to rebuild the web-app to integrate this component (add
> a line in package.json and some in grunt).
> I updated the postinstall task in package.json:
> ```
> "postinstall": "bower install --silent && bower install
> cityzendata/warp10-quantumviz#~1.6.2 -F
> --config.directory=./bower_quantumviz --silent && grunt googlefonts"
> ```
> and I add a Grunt task to copy my component on the Web Application.
> ```
> {
>   expand: true,
>   cwd: 'bower_quantumviz/',
>   src: '**',
>   dest: '<%= yeoman.dist %>/bower_components'
> },
> ```
> Is there a proper way to do it (add the components when the interpreter is
> "settings up"), so there is no need to rebuild the WebApp ?
> Are you interested in a Pull-Request to integrate this kind of component
> (visualization tool for geo-time series, to plot a graph or a Map) ?
> The Zeppelin interpreter is available on github here :
> https://github.com/cityzendata/warp10-zeppelin-quantumviz
> Best regards,
> ---
> Aurélien Hébert
> Developer at Cityzen Data

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