Hi all,

I searched this topic on the archive of ml, but still could not find out
the solution clearly.
So i have tried to post this again(maybe).

I am using ver 0.8.0, and have installed spark 2.2 on the other path, just
for checking my test program.
Then i wrote a quite simple sample python code to check the how to.

1. the code works fine on a note in Zeppelin
2. the same code but added the initialize code for SparkContext in it works
fine on the Spark by using 'spark-submit'.
3. tried to execute "2" from a note in Zeppelin with the following script.
    yes, "spark" interpreter has been implemented in the note.
    then on the note,
        %spark-submit <program name with full path>
          -> interpreter not found error
4.I have arranged 'SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTIONS' in zeppelin-env.sh order by the doc
    ex. export SPARK_SUBMIT_OPTIONS='--packages
5. then running....
     %spark-submit <program name with full path>
      -> interpreter not found error  (as same as "3")

How can i use spark-submit from a note?
Any advice thanks.


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