I believe this is spark bug


Brandon Barker <brandon.bar...@cornell.edu>于2018年2月13日周二 上午9:42写道:

> Hi,
> I'd like to try zeppelin but require the use of external dependencies. It
> seems ideal to do this on a notebook-by-notebook basis for portability, and
> also for the current docker setup, since adding dependencies in the
> interpreter configuration isn't persisted when the container goes away.
> Currently, I have the following in my first cell, which seems to work:
> %dep
> z.load("org.typelevel:squants_2.11:1.3.0")
> When I try to use some things in the second cell, like:
> implicit val moneyContext = defaultMoneyContext
> they work, However, trying to use the `Money` type does not work. I tested
> this in spark-notebook and did not have the same problem.
> I'm attaching my notebook in case it helps.
> Thanks!
> --
> Brandon E. Barker
> http://www.cac.cornell.edu/barker/

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