Hi Folks,

We have done lots of work in 0.9 and the community expect to release it by
the end of this year. But there's one major task needs to be done which is
the documentation. I have created umbrella ticket for document updates[1].
The scope of this ticket is to revisit the current documentation and make
necessary changes if something needs to be updated/restructured/added.

I have created several sub tasks already, but there's many more to do. So I
send out this email to call for contributors for Zeppelin docs.  It is a
good opportunity for you to learn Zeppelin and contribute to Zeppelin. If
you want to prove you master something, the easy way is to explain it to
others as simple as possible, so writing document to illustrate what
Zeppelin can do is a good opportunity/practice for that. If you want to
help, feel free to create sub task under this umbrella ticket. And if you
have any concerns/questions, feel free to ask in this thread. Thanks

[1]  https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/ZEPPELIN-4423

Best Regards

Jeff Zhang

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