
Thanks for sharing your problem here. Let me try to help.
Do you see the same error when you run

"npm -i" or "yarn install" in your visualizatioin package
dir? (/home/romain/visu-vegas/Test01_HelloWorld)


On Wed, Sep 30, 2020 at 2:34 AM <romain3.dub...@orange.com> wrote:

> Hello,
> I wish to integrate VEGA visualizations on zeppelin (version : *0.8.2*) .
> So I created 3 files to import these visualizations on Helium :
> -        HelloWorld.js :
> /home/romain/visu-vegas/Test01_HelloWorld/HelloWorld.js
> -        HelloWorld.json :
> /home/romain/visu-vegas/Test01_HelloWorld/HelloWorld.json
> -        package.json :
> /home/romain/visu-vegas/Test01_HelloWorld/package.json
> This is my package.json :
> {
>     "name": "HelloWorld",
>     "description": "affichage d'une phrase",
>     "version": "1.0.0",
>     "main": "HelloWorld",
>     "author": "",
>     "license": "Apache-2.0",
>     "dependencies": {
>         "zeppelin-tabledata": "*",
>         "zeppelin-vis": "*",
>         "vega": "^5.16.1",
>         "vega-embed": "^6.12.2",
>         "vega-lite": "^4.16.7"
>     }
> }
> When I click on "enable" for import “HelloWorld” visualizations, it
> returns me an error whereas when I do the manipulation in command line
> (putty) there is no error. Below is a copy of the error.
> To see the logs, I run a command line: *"tail -f
> zeppelin-romain-vmlinux.log*" from this directory: cd
> zeppelin-0.8.2-bin-all/logs.
> So, here are the corresponding error logs when I click on "enable":
> But this command goes to CLI when I'm in the bundle directory.
> Do you have any idea why it doesn't work?
> Thank you.
> Sincerely.
> Romain D.
> *De :* DUBOIS Romain OBS/CSO
> *Envoyé :* mercredi 30 septembre 2020 10:28
> *À :* 'users@zeppelin.apache.org' <users@zeppelin.apache.org>
> *Objet :* Vega on zeppelin Helium
> Hello,
> I wish to integrate VEGA visualizations on zeppelin. So I created 3 files
> to import these visualizations on Helium.
> When I click on "enable" in Helium, it returns me an error whereas when I
> do the manipulation in command line (putty) there is no error. Below is a
> copy of the error. Do you have an idea?
> Thank you.
> Sincerely.
> Romain D.
> *De :* DUBOIS Romain OBS/CSO
> *Envoyé :* mercredi 30 septembre 2020 10:28
> *À :* 'users@zeppelin.apache.org' <users@zeppelin.apache.org>
> *Objet :* Vega on zeppelin Helium
> Hello,
> I wish to integrate VEGA visualizations on zeppelin. So I created 3 files
> to import these visualizations on Helium.
> When I click on "enable" in Helium, it returns me an error whereas when I
> do the manipulation in command line (putty) there is no error. Below is a
> copy of the error. Do you have an idea?
> Thank you.
> Sincerely.
> Romain D.
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