Dear All, I am struggling since more than a week on the following problem.
My Zeppelin Server is running outside the k8s cluster (there is a reason for 
this) and I am able to run Spark zeppelin notes in Client mode but not in 
Cluster mode.

I see that, at first, a pod for the interpreter (RemoteInterpreterServer) is 
created on the cluster by spark-submit from the Zeppelin host, with 
deployMode=cluster (and this happens without errors), then the interpreter 
itself runs another spark-submit  (this time from the Pod) with 

Exactly, the following is the command line submitted by the interpreter from 
its pod

/opt/spark/bin/spark-submit \
--conf spark.driver.bindAddress=<ip address of the interpreter pod> \
--deploy-mode client \
--properties-file /opt/spark/conf/ \
--class org.apache.zeppelin.interpreter.remote.RemoteInterpreterServer \
spark-internal \
<interpreter_name>-<user name>

At this point, the interpreter Pod remains in "Running" state, while the 
Zeppelin note remains in "Pending" forever.

The log of the Interpreter (level = DEBUG) at the end only says:
 INFO [2021-10-25 18:16:58,229] ({RemoteInterpreterServer-Thread}[run]:194) Launching ThriftServer at <ip address of 
the interpreter pod>:<random port>
 INFO [2021-10-25 18:16:58,229] ({RegisterThread}[run]:592) Start registration
 INFO [2021-10-25 18:16:58,332] ({RegisterThread}[run]:606) Registering interpreter process
 INFO [2021-10-25 18:16:58,356] ({RegisterThread}[run]:608) Registered interpreter process
 INFO [2021-10-25 18:16:58,356] ({RegisterThread}[run]:629) Registration finished
(I replaced the true ip and port with a placeholder to make the log more clear 
for you)

I am stuck at this point....
Anyone can help me ? Thank you in advance. Fabrizio

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