And so we were the greatest power the world had ever seen!!

The thing is, too many of us are forgetting that this is past tense!!

The trouble is, all too many are still clinging on to the glory days, seemingly 
believing that if we rescind our membership of Europe, those glory days will return 
once more!!

It's about time we got our heads out of our arses and grabbed hold of the best 
opportunity this country has had for years!!

The huge benefits for business and growth that full integration to Europe offers are 
huge and it would be incredibly sad if we missed the boat just because of a few 
diehards stuck in the past!!

It's time to let go of the past and move on to the future!!



----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Joseph B. Reid" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "U.S. Metric Association" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Thursday, January 24, 2002 8:05 PM
Subject: [USMA:17616] Re: Compromises!!

> Marcus Ma Be wrote in USMA 17610:
> >I must concur with the last paragraph below.  Till when will Great Britain
> >continue to faulter on this issue?  Why can't they come to their senses
> >and do the only sensible thing to do (espoused below)???  Compromises do
> >NOT work, P-E-R-I-O-D!
> >
> >Marcus
> Don't forget that Britain was the greatest power that the world has ever
> seen.  It comes hard to realize that France was right after all.
> Joseph B.Reid
> 17 Glebe Road West
> Toronto  M5P 1C8             TEL. 416-486-6071

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