Hi, David,

I've been enjoying your posts on obamacto.org. I am "usma." Believe me, we are
scurrying to learn of soon-to-be-President Obama's stance on U.S. metrication.

I would say that metric system has long since been introduced to the U.S. What
we at USMA and other supporters seek to get SI formally enacted as the Nation's
primary system of measurement.  I agree with you that all the talk of
technological, competitiveness,  and infrastructural improvement, to say
nothing of possible "Civilian Conservation Corps"-type job creation, could
invite metrication.  We'll all find out soon.

Paul Trusten, R.Ph.
Public Relations Director
U.S. Metric Association (USMA), Inc.
3609 Caldera Boulevard, Apartment 122
Midland TX 79707-2872 US

Quoting David <totakeke...@yahoo.com>:

> I've been searching around a while and can't find any information about it. I
> know Obama is a very educated person and has a science team put together for
> the next four years, but has their been any recent indication that he has
> plans to introduce the metric system? I wonder if he does, but he's waiting
> for the right time to tell us. I have a feeling part of restructuring the
> country and the economy (which are already very broad phrases) will include a
> switch to the metric system.
> Have a great weekend.


Paul Trusten, R.Ph.
Public Relations Director
U.S. Metric Association (USMA), Inc.
3609 Caldera Boulevard, Apartment 122
Midland TX 79707-2872 US

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