On Sunday, October 27, 2013 16:05:16 c...@traditio.com wrote:
> Paul-- You're right as always!  Next time some anti-metricationist claims
> that people don't understand metric, only the customary system, say to that
> person: "Tell me:  How much is a dram when you measure out your cough
> syrup?" I suspect no one but you, Paul, would have the slightest idea.  I
> know I don't!  --Martin M.

Hai ch'em. (I actually got to use that phrase on September 22. I visited an 
Armenian church; it happened to be the day they celebrated Independence Day, 
which actually fell on the previous day.) The dram is a monetary unit used in 

I have some glass vials which are apparently sized in drams, though the size 
in milliliters is also stated on the website. They are 8 ml and hold 7.2 g of 
jojoba-based perfume.

La sal en el mar es más que en la sangre.
Le sel dans la mer est plus que dans le sang.

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