Hi, everyone,

Friday, 2016-05-20 is World Metrology Day and this year the theme is 
‘Measurements in a Dynamic World’.

There is an official website <http://www.worldmetrologyday.org/> co-sponsored 
by the BIPM and the International Organisation for Legal Metrology. They have a 
poster <http://www.worldmetrologyday.org/posters.html> showing some dynamic 
high-tech items: the Large Hadron Collider, the International Space Station, a 
high-speed train, a rocket and two supersonic aircraft. The poster can be 
downloaded in several of the international A-series paper sizes and a number of 
languages including English.

On the NIST <http://www.nist.gov/> website there is no mention of the 
anniversary yet,(at the time of writing this it’s not Friday in the US yet,) 
but some other organisations celebrate the day:

• The National Physical Laboratory <http://www.npl.co.uk/world-metrology-day/> 
in Britain has a great feature with some amazing pictures.

• Australia’s National Measurement Institute 
offers a prize for Australian metrologists.

World Metrology Day also marks 141 years since the Metre Convention 
<http://www.bipm.org/en/worldwide-metrology/metre-convention/> was signed, and 
the US remains the only signatory where the metric system is not in everyday 
use. :(

Why not celebrate by measuring out a glass or two of beer tonight?!

Originally posted on Reddit:   

Best wishes from a metric Australia,

Peter Goodyear
USMA mailing list

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