Hello Daniel,

There is no check in your code to confirm that the time is correctly set.
The 1PPS signal should be a square wave rather than a sine wave. It is a
logic signal rather than an RF one and the sync port is designed to handle

The Octoclock which we use produces a 20% duty cycle square wave with 5V
high and 0V low.


On Wed, Aug 2, 2017 at 2:10 AM, Cho, Daniel J (332C) via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

> Hello –
> I am using 2 USRP E310 which I would like to frequency sync together.  I
> am using a frequency generator which is generating a 1 PPS (1Hz sine wave)
> signal which I put through a power splitter to provide both USRPs with the
> same 1 PPS signal.  I configured the rx_samples_to_file and
> tx_samples_from_file codes to allow me to use the external 1PPS signal by
> including the following into the code:
> //sleep off if gpsdo detected and time next pps already set
> boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::seconds(1));
> //set time source if specified
> if (not time_source.empty()) usrp->set_time_source(time_source);
> //set the time at an unknown pps (will throw if no pps)
> std::cout << std::endl << "Attempt to detect the PPS and set the time..."
> << std::endl << std::endl;
> usrp->set_time_unknown_pps(uhd::time_spec_t(0.0));
> std::cout << std::endl << "Success!" << std::endl << std::endl;
> When I run the rx_samples_to_file code with the above code included, I get
> a timeout error.  I found that it was due to the line “usrp->
> set_time_unknown_pps(uhd::time_spec_t(0.0));”
> How can I get my two USRPs frequency synced without getting this error?
> Also, I saw that the 1 PPS signal provided to the USRP should be 3.3V –
> 5V.  When I put a 1 PPS signal that strong on the spectrum analyzer, it
> shows a power output above +10 dBm.  I know that the max RX input power is
> -15 dBm so I was hesitant to input a 1 PPS signal that strong.  The 1 PPS
> signal I put into the sync port was 100 mV.  Even with a 1 PPS signal with
> an output power of 100mV, I am still able to run the test_pps_input program
> successfully.
> So in summary, should I just send a 1 PPS signal with a power output above
> +10 dBm which equates to the 3.3V – 5V to the sync port even though I am
> able to run the test_pps_input program successfully with 100mV?  How can I
> get the rx_samples_to_file program to run successfully without giving me a
> timeout error using the above lines of code?
> Thanks
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