Dear Ettus Technical Support Team,
So far I have been successful getting the UHD C++ APIs to run the USRP B210
both on Linux(Eclipse) and Windows (Microsoft Visual Studio) in their SISO
mode. I have tried further to run the USRP on its both channels.
Unfortunately I have not been successful although trying a lot. In my codes
I try to run the both channel by the following uhd stream.

size_t channel[2] = { 0,1 };;
uhd_stream_args_t stream_args = {
cpu_format = "fc32",
otw_format = "sc16",
args = "",
channellist = channel,
n_channel = 1
But when I run the code, only one of the channels captures the signal. When
I run the benchmark_rate example I can run both channel receiving and
sending simultaneously. I have reviewed the source code of the
benchmark_rate  code. I have found that in this code  have been written
somehow differently maybe by C++ APIs not native C API. I tried to mimic
the code. I ran the example code on your website (click here  but the
compiler shows a run time exception on the following line of the code:

 uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr usrp=uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(device_args);

The error is an Access Violation at a specified address of memory.
Furthermore, I tried the srsLTE opensource program, the latest version
in which it supports the transmit diversity scheme(./pdsch_ue -f
1860000000 -A 2, in the Linux terminal). But when I configure the code
to capture on both channels it only captures on one of them. I would
be thankful if you get me out of this trouble.
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