Overflows happen on your PC, and that's the software that you write, so
we can't tell you whether that software is going to be fast enough, and
whether your PC is going to be fast enough!

Generally, for rates around 100MS/s, modern workstations usually are
fast enough for simple capture signal processing. Before I'd start
trying to save ¼ of CPU power by resampling, I'd simply check whether
what I want to do "barely" not works at 100MS/s – there's pretty little
chance that when your PC and software is *significantly* too slow at 100
MS/s, it'll be suddenly be *reliably* fast enough at only ¼ less work.

Best regards,


On 09/06/2017 10:01 PM, Snehasish Kar via USRP-users wrote:
> Hello
> I am trying to use the RFNoC Polyphase channelizer, I wanted to clear
> before starting it can we use it with 100MSPS sample rate for 75MHz
> DCS band? Will there be any chance of data loss or overflow?
> BR
> Snehasish
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