Dear Sarah,

with 50 dB attenuation in place, you'll definitely want some gain!

Best regards,


On 09/18/2017 02:36 PM, Sarah Tran via USRP-users wrote:
> Hello!
> I am trying to use 2 N210's connected by a MIMO cable to execute the
> uhd example program txrx_loopback_to_file. I have one host machine and
> would like one SDR to transmit the signal and the other SDR to receive
> it to a file. I would like to eventually modify the code so that I can
> make a bit error rate tester between the two N210's, but I was trying
> to get the threading to work first.
> I have the args: --tx-args="addr="
> --rx-args="addr=" --type="float" --nsamps=1e6
> --tx-rate=5e6 --rx-rate=5e6 --tx-freq=900e6 --rx-freq=900e6
> --tx-ant="TX/RX" --rx-ant="TX/RX" --ref="mimo" --wave-type="SINE"
> --wave-freq="2000"
> I am using matlab to convert the binary file "usrp_samples.dat" into a
> complex array and I plot the results. I have attached the plot.
> The results I get from the receive function do not resemble a sine
> wave; it looks more like noise. I have 50 db (50 ohm) attenuation
> inline with the cable that is connecting the two usrps (I am not
> actually transmitting over the air). However when I run the code, I
> see that LED’s indicating that they are transmitting and receiving as
> they should, but the results are not what is expected.
> I am fairly new to usrp and C++, so any help or direction as to what
> could be the problem would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for your
> time!
> -Sarah Leony
> Electrical Engineer
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