Thanks very much Marcus for the thorough explanations. I looked at the phase 
change with frequency to see if there was a fixed delay and there didn’t appear 
to be but, effectively, the MIMO cable induces a frequency dependent 
uncorrected phase offset  which is eminently understandable but would appear to 
make a mockery of ‘MIMO’ claims. I realised that there will always be a phase 
offset but was disappointed by the magnitude as measured by the complex 
conjugate of both signals, a complex_to_arg block and decimating the result by 
1K and plotting on Qt GUI Time Sink.

It would appear that if I wanted to try to get as close to zero phase offset 
(to correct for non-zero MIMO cable length at least), then I need an 
Octoclock-G but I don’t have the nearly  $NZD 3000.00 it costs so I wonder if 
there is a ‘cheap’ way to convert my existing GPSDO board into an Octoclock-G? 
I only need to be able to buffer the signal for 2 USRPs.

Otherwise, I guess I could ‘calibrate’ the offset at various frequencies and 
then, at run time, apply a phase correction to one leg based on the fc? Seems a 
little inelegant.

            Kind Regards,


From: Marcus D. Leech
Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 1:20 PM
To: John Shields
Cc: usrp-users
Subject: Re: [USRP-users] 2 N200 MIMO system phase offset varies with 
frequency, have used timed_command with tune and also integer-N Tuning per 
Marcus M post of Feb 17, 2016

On 10/24/2017 07:45 PM, John Shields wrote:

  Thanks Marcus,
                          So it appears that the synching of the SBX LOs 
doesn’t work; or perhaps I should say, it doesn’t work during my measurement 
period? The integer-N tuning doesn’t work either.

                          I can say that, with some level of precision, the 
phase is fairly constant with center-frequency but if, for example, I had a 5 
MHz spectrum how could I ‘correct for that’? I be;ieve that there is the whole 
Hilbert transform issue when you wish to translate the phase/frequency of a 
band of signals to a different one –is that what I should use?

                          From my point of view, there is quite a 
misinterpretation of what ‘synchronistation’ means; in particular for SBXs and 
their LOs which, as advertised, are supposed to be capable of such operation 
with a few simple Python commands!.

                          Realising that you would/should not express some 
shortcoming in the SBX,N200,MIMO in an Ettus product , if there is, I would 
dearly like to know from someone from Ettus!!!! Purely from an outside point of 
view, I thought that the “ we’ll transfer the Time Of Day contents to the Mate 
over MIMO cable ” doesn’t actually mean that they are in ‘real time’ synch, 
from my old DMS-100 days bit was willing to go along with the theory. 
Seriously, I have no issue with that but just want to know how to get 2 N200r4 
streams with OB GPSDO & MIMO cable ‘synchronised’

                         I would love (but be embarrassed) to be told, that as 
a dummy, I made this mistake but in over a month of work I have not been able 
to establish that.

                        Kind Regards,


Set up a test transmitter in the far-field of your two antenna.

With everything synchronized the way you think it should be, plot the 
low-pass-filtered (and decimate to taste) result of a conjugate multiply of
  the two sides.   This should produce a straight line, with small amounts of 
noise.   If it just produces random walks all over the place, the two
  oscillators aren't locked to the same reference.

My point about component tolerances is that they'll have some group-delay that 
isn't perfectly matched on both sides, even if things like the
  LO are running in-phase, the analog pathways won't necessarily have precisely 
the same group delay on the two sides.  Just like two random
  pieces of coax that are cut to the same length won't, necessarily, have 
precisely the same phase length.   This effect gets worse with frequency.

Further, in radio astronomy applications, the coherence bandwidth is, 
technically speaking, infinitely small, due to the emission mechanisms.
  But in *practice* a significant fractional bandwidth is possible without 
having to channelize the input bandwidth.

The *other* issue, that seems to be causing consternation, is the ability to 
predict what the phase-offset between the two sides will be upon restart
  of the flow-graph in the presence of the various bits of hocus-pocus (timed 
commands, etc) to try for consistent phase offsets every time you
  start streaming.  It sounds like you have that, but the offset changes 
depending on tuned frequency.   I'd expect that.  Both due to analog-component
  group-delay variability, and because the MIMO cable is not of zero length.  I 
don't believe that there is *ANY* length compensation, so one N2XX will
  receive the reference clock at a "closer" phase distance than the other one, 
because the MIMO cable is of finite length.  That phase-length difference will
  have more effect at higher frequencies, because a PLL is a reference 
multiplier (which is why having exquisitely-low phase-noise on the reference is
  important, because that noise will get worse as the multiplier ratio of the 
PLL increases).

  Sent: Wednesday, October 25, 2017 7:45 AM
  To: John Shields
  Cc: usrp-users
  Subject: Re: [USRP-users] 2 N200 MIMO system phase offset varies with 
frequency, have used timed_command with tune and also integer-N Tuning per 
Marcus M post of Feb 17, 2016

  I would expect component tolerance issues on the two sides to scale with 
frequency.  That may be what you're seeing?

  On 2017-10-24 14:28, John Shields via USRP-users wrote:

        Still struggling with the configuration – 2x N200 r4, master O/B GPSDO, 
slave MIMO cable. Have put in python code to use timed commands and that 
produced a constant phase offset even over rerun of FG or power cycling on N200 
which was great news.

        However, the relative offset changes with frequency. The splitter is a 
Mini-circuits ZRFSC-123S+ which is spec-ed to has a typical of phase unbalance 
of 1/2 a degree over the frequency ranges used. The results are independent of 
source NWT 4000-1 or an SBX using uhd_siggen. When I have checked the 
ref_locked flags etc. they are good. the gpsdo is 'locked' as is MIMO.

        In addition to using the timed_commands to synch the SBX LOs, I also 
implement the integer-N-tuning and no improvement.

        The results are roughly    Freq (MHz)    Phase offset (deg)
                                                450                    -7
                                                1450                -30
                                                1950                -65
                                                2450                -100

        When I switch the cables between the 2 N200, the phase offset doesn't 
change sign so I presume it is not cabling? What on earth, else, could it be?

              Kind Regards,



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