I have a question about CBX-120 (120 MHz). Ettus.com mentions that this
daughterboard can only be combined with USRP X3xx series.

My question, can CBX-120 be combined with USRP N200?
Is there any voltages incompatibility?

My understanding is that contains a frequency down converter, like from GHz
signal to intermediate freq. (IF) signal with hundreds of MHz (not quit
sure about the exact IF freq.). Therefore, combining CBX-120 with USRPN200
results in aliasing. That is, the ADC on USRPN200 is about 100 MHz.
Therefore, ADC speed is lower than the freq. of the input signal (IF
frequency) from the CBX-120. On the other hand, CBX-120 is appropriate for
USRP3xx, as the later can sample at higher speed (than N200).
Please correct me if my understanding is not accurate.

Thank you.
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