I have some USRPs B200 with GPS modules installed (
https://www.ettus.com/product/details/GPSDO-TCXO-MODULE). I plan to use the
GPS for timing alignment purposes of my application. The piece of code I
have been using is shown below. It displays the time in seconds since
01/01/1970. I would like a better resolution than seconds. Is it possible?

const uhd::device_addr_t dev_addr;
uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::sptr usrp = uhd::usrp::multi_usrp::make(dev_addr);
uhd::sensor_value_t gps_time = usrp->get_mboard_sensor("gps_time");
std::cout << gps_time.to_pp_string() << std::endl << std::flush;


*André Gomes*
Email: andre.go...@dcc.ufmg.br
Homepage: http://homepages.dcc.ufmg.br/~andre.gomes/
Mobile: +55 31 994859285 <+55%2031%2099485-9285>
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