On 03/08/2018 08:33 AM, Brandon Piner via USRP-users wrote:
To whom it may concern

I have been implementing a transmitter and receiver application using the B200 mini with UHD-3.9.7. The transmitter seems to be working well. The strange behavior seems to be happening when I try using the receiver.

 1. The predominant issue I am having is that I keep getting an
    overflow after X samples were read. The specific number of samples
    ("X") before an overflow seems to be linked to the samples per
    packet "spp" or the "receive_frame_size" parameter. If I leave the
    "spp" and "receive_frame_size" as default then it seems that the
    max samples per buffer per packet is 2044. So each ->recv of
    samples returns 2044 samples. I can call ->recv 30 times and 2044
    samples are returned. On the 31st time calling ->recv I only 389
    samples along with some timestamp mismatch of approx 65 uS. The
    32nd read flags an overflow and 0 samples are read. This "cycle"
    reads 61709 samples in total. Seems like it is filling a flat
    buffer and not a circular buffer. Is this the expected behavior of
    the device? How can I get it to not overflow?

Is the above sample-rate linked, or does it happen regardless? If it happens regardless, then I suspect that you have an off-by-some-amount error somewhere in your code that is causing buffers to become exhausted--you're not vacuuming out all available data.

 2. The other issue is with starting up a receive stream. I documented
    it here
    . Not sure if anyone can assist with that. My current workaround
    is to destroy the entire sptr to the USRP and create a new pointer
    at the time that I start the receive stream.

Hope someone can provide me with some insight!

Kind regards


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