
As I wanted a statically linked .lib I downloaded the source, but I've
had a lot of trouble trying to build the library. I'm using VS 2017,
and the latest Boost version, and libuhd. I compiled Boost for static
linkage and the complete libuhd system. Then cloned the uhd and tried
set up cmake "ENABLE_STATIC_LIBS". Then when I tried to build the
solution I first got linking errors because
"boost_unit_test_framework-vc141-mt-x64-1_67.lib" was missing. I'm not
sure why it would want to link to a dynamic link library, but I just
rebuilt boost and added the dynamic lib so that uhd linkage would
work. And then it worked (eventually depending on a Boost .dll), but
the "uhd_static" project still failed to compile.
"1>c:\lib\uhd\host\lib\utils\log_c.cpp(19): error C2491: '_uhd_log':
definition of dllimport function not allowed" which as I understand is
because functions are being "__declspec(dllimport)" and for static
linkage you don't want that.. I tried to manually set UHD_API to no

How can I fix this? Is there interest in keeping UHD compatible to
Windows (as you mostly focused on Linux)?

Thanks in advance.

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