On 06/25/2018 07:20 AM, Andreas Bauer via USRP-users wrote:
> Hello,
> we are currently working with a USRP X310 with a Twin RX daughter board.
> We are interested on more information about the CHDR protocol.
> The documentation on https://files.ettus.com/manual/page_rtp.html seems
> to be not enough. The concrete questions are as follows:
> - What does the /Fractional Time /exactly stand for? -> What does it
> say? e.g. What does it mean if the "/Has fractional time
> stamp"-/bit/ /is set and/ /all bits of the "/Fractional Time" /are set
> to zero?
> - What's the time-format of the /Fractional Time /and what is the
> data-format of the/Fractional Time/?/ -> microseconds, milliseconds,
> seconds? integer, float, double?/

The time is in number of ticks. "Fractional" is a bit misleading. Ticks
get incremented with the sample clock, so, every 10ns it will increment
by 1. (10ns because you have a 100 MHz sample clock in TwinRX).

> /- /Can we get or find a more precise dokumentation about the/Radio
> Transport Protocol /than on https://files.ettus.com/manual/page_rtp.html ?
> - Is it right that the whole CHDR header and the data trailer is
> transmitted over udp with the endianness of /Big-endian/ or does the
> header and data trailer differ from each other? -> Which endianness does
> the header and the data trailer have?

It's all network-endianness (so, big).

Here's all the packing and unpacking code:

-- M

> Thank you for your effort.
> regards
> Andreas
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