Hi Rob,

Thank you once again.  We have reproduced the issue and are working on
tracing down the root cause and fixing the issue.  We have confirmed that
the issue exists on 3.13, but we have also confirmed it does not exist on  So, you can use v3.12.0.0 in the meantime.  To be sure you are
using the correct FPGA image for v3.12.0.0, be sure to run
'uhd_images_downloader --refetch'.


On Tue, Sep 4, 2018 at 3:21 PM, Rob Kossler via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

> Today, I confirmed that this issue exists on the head of 3.13 and 3.12,
> but not 3.11.  The example program provided with my previous post can be
> compiled with any of these versions.
> Rob
> On Fri, Aug 31, 2018 at 12:33 PM Rob Kossler <rkoss...@nd.edu> wrote:
>> In this post and one other post, I mentioned two issues I am having
>> related to N310 streaming:
>>    1. With STREAM_MODE_NUM_SAMPS_AND_DONE, sometimes I get a timeout
>>    prior to receiving the requested number of samples (this is the issue
>>    identified in this post). This may be simply dependent upon the number of
>>    samples requested.
>>    2. With STREAM_MODE_START_CONTINUOUS, I get errors with repeated
>>    captures such that after several successful captures, I eventually get a
>>    streaming timeout and all subsequent captures fail.
>> So, turns out that this issue is bigger for me than I realized.  I had a
>> bunch of trouble yesterday while doing some research experimentation. I had
>> selected to go with X310 devices rather than N310 devices because of their
>> relative maturity.  Today, I confirmed that my issues yesterday with the
>> X310 are the same as I previously mentioned for the N310 (#2 above).  So,
>> perhaps it is an issue with UHD-3.13 (I did not check any other branch).
>> I modified the Ettus "txrx_loopback_to_file.cpp" code to include a "for
>> loop of 50 iterations" and changed the streaming mode to be continuous.
>> The modified source is included as an attachment (a 'diff' of my code to
>> the original with show the minor changes I made).  I attached a console log
>> of the output messages when run with my X310 which shows both the command
>> line parameters I used as well as the resulting errors.  Note that
>> everything is going as expected through Iteration 5, but starting at
>> Iteration 6, there is no end-of-burst (EOB) and starting at Iteration 8, a
>> timeout occurs prior to receiving any samples.
>> Please let me know if you have any questions.  This is a pretty big issue
>> for me and will prevent me from using 3.13 until addressed.
>> Rob
>> On Fri, Aug 24, 2018 at 2:46 PM Rob Kossler <rkoss...@nd.edu> wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> This post is perhaps a continuation of a previous post "Problems with
>>> MPM 3.13 on N310", but I wanted to change the subject to reflect this
>>> current issue.
>>> The issue is an Rx streaming timeout.  It can be easily duplicated with
>>> a stock Ettus example.  Below you will find the console log which includes
>>> the command line parameters.  Note the following:
>>>    - I requested 31250 samples
>>>    - There is a error "Timeout while streaming" indicated at the end
>>>    - The final file size of 119340 indicates that 29835 samples were
>>>    received
>>>    - I do not have any reason to believe that the specific command line
>>>    arguments below are needed to duplicate the issue.  I just didn't bother 
>>> to
>>>    try other ones.
>>> In the other thread, I mentioned that my Rx timeout issue had gone away
>>> after switching to streaming mode STREAM_MODE_NUM_SAMPS_AND_DONE.
>>> However, the issue below occurs when using that mode so it will be a
>>> problem for me.
>>> Let me know if you have any questions.
>>> Rob
>>> irisheyes9@irisheyes9-Z240-SFF:/media/SSD_RAID/multi_pol$
>>> txrx_loopback_to_file --tx-args="addr="
>>> --rx-args="addr=" --nsamps=31250 --tx-rate=31.25e6
>>> --rx-rate=31.25e6 --tx-channels=0,1 --rx-channels=2,3 --tx-freq=2500e6
>>> --rx-freq=2500e6
>>> Creating the transmit usrp device with: addr=
>>> [INFO] [UHD] linux; GNU C++ version 5.4.0 20160609; Boost_105800;
>>> UHD_3.13.0.2-0-g0ddc19e5
>>> [INFO] [MPMD] Initializing 1 device(s) in parallel with args:
>>> mgmt_addr=,type=n3xx,product=n310,serial=
>>> 315A34B,claimed=False,addr=
>>> [INFO] [MPM.PeriphManager] init() called with device args
>>> `mgmt_addr=,product=n310'.
>>> [INFO] [0/DmaFIFO_0] Initializing block control (NOC ID:
>>> 0xF1F0D00000000004)
>>> [INFO] [0/DmaFIFO_0] BIST passed (Throughput: 1320 MB/s)
>>> [INFO] [0/DmaFIFO_0] BIST passed (Throughput: 1336 MB/s)
>>> [INFO] [0/DmaFIFO_0] BIST passed (Throughput: 1331 MB/s)
>>> [INFO] [0/DmaFIFO_0] BIST passed (Throughput: 1349 MB/s)
>>> [INFO] [0/Radio_0] Initializing block control (NOC ID:
>>> 0x12AD100000011312)
>>> [INFO] [0/Radio_1] Initializing block control (NOC ID:
>>> 0x12AD100000011312)
>>> [INFO] [0/DDC_0] Initializing block control (NOC ID: 0xDDC0000000000000)
>>> [INFO] [0/DDC_1] Initializing block control (NOC ID: 0xDDC0000000000000)
>>> [INFO] [0/DUC_0] Initializing block control (NOC ID: 0xD0C0000000000002)
>>> [INFO] [0/DUC_1] Initializing block control (NOC ID: 0xD0C0000000000002)
>>> Creating the receive usrp device with: addr=
>>> Using TX Device: Single USRP:
>>>   Device: N300-Series Device
>>>   Mboard 0: ni-n3xx-315A34B
>>>   RX Channel: 0
>>>     RX DSP: 0
>>>     RX Dboard: A
>>>     RX Subdev: Magnesium
>>>   RX Channel: 1
>>>     RX DSP: 1
>>>     RX Dboard: A
>>>     RX Subdev: Magnesium
>>>   RX Channel: 2
>>>     RX DSP: 0
>>>     RX Dboard: B
>>>     RX Subdev: Magnesium
>>>   RX Channel: 3
>>>     RX DSP: 1
>>>     RX Dboard: B
>>>     RX Subdev: Magnesium
>>>   TX Channel: 0
>>>     TX DSP: 0
>>>     TX Dboard: A
>>>     TX Subdev: Magnesium
>>>   TX Channel: 1
>>>     TX DSP: 1
>>>     TX Dboard: A
>>>     TX Subdev: Magnesium
>>>   TX Channel: 2
>>>     TX DSP: 0
>>>     TX Dboard: B
>>>     TX Subdev: Magnesium
>>>   TX Channel: 3
>>>     TX DSP: 1
>>>     TX Dboard: B
>>>     TX Subdev: Magnesium
>>> Using RX Device: Single USRP:
>>>   Device: N300-Series Device
>>>   Mboard 0: ni-n3xx-315A34B
>>>   RX Channel: 0
>>>     RX DSP: 0
>>>     RX Dboard: A
>>>     RX Subdev: Magnesium
>>>   RX Channel: 1
>>>     RX DSP: 1
>>>     RX Dboard: A
>>>     RX Subdev: Magnesium
>>>   RX Channel: 2
>>>     RX DSP: 0
>>>     RX Dboard: B
>>>     RX Subdev: Magnesium
>>>   RX Channel: 3
>>>     RX DSP: 1
>>>     RX Dboard: B
>>>     RX Subdev: Magnesium
>>>   TX Channel: 0
>>>     TX DSP: 0
>>>     TX Dboard: A
>>>     TX Subdev: Magnesium
>>>   TX Channel: 1
>>>     TX DSP: 1
>>>     TX Dboard: A
>>>     TX Subdev: Magnesium
>>>   TX Channel: 2
>>>     TX DSP: 0
>>>     TX Dboard: B
>>>     TX Subdev: Magnesium
>>>   TX Channel: 3
>>>     TX DSP: 1
>>>     TX Dboard: B
>>>     TX Subdev: Magnesium
>>> Setting TX Rate: 31.250000 Msps...
>>> Actual TX Rate: 31.250000 Msps...
>>> Setting RX Rate: 31.250000 Msps...
>>> Actual RX Rate: 31.250000 Msps...
>>> Configuring TX Channel 0
>>> Setting TX Freq: 2500.000000 MHz...
>>> Actual TX Freq: 2500.000000 MHz...
>>> Configuring TX Channel 1
>>> Setting TX Freq: 2500.000000 MHz...
>>> Actual TX Freq: 2500.000000 MHz...
>>> Configuring RX Channel 2
>>> Setting RX Freq: 2500.000000 MHz...
>>> Actual RX Freq: 2500.000000 MHz...
>>> Configuring RX Channel 3
>>> Setting RX Freq: 2500.000000 MHz...
>>> Actual RX Freq: 2500.000000 MHz...
>>> Checking TX: all_los: locked ...
>>> Checking RX: all_los: locked ...
>>> Setting device timestamp to 0...
>>> Timeout while streaming
>>> Done!
>>> irisheyes9@irisheyes9-Z240-SFF:/media/SSD_RAID/multi_pol$ ls -l *.dat
>>> -rw-rw-r-- 1 irisheyes9 irisheyes9 119340 Aug 24 14:33
>>> usrp_samples.00.dat
>>> -rw-rw-r-- 1 irisheyes9 irisheyes9 119340 Aug 24 14:33
>>> usrp_samples.01.dat
>>> irisheyes9@irisheyes9-Z240-SFF:/media/SSD_RAID/multi_pol$
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