I am following the instructions for using the replay block with the N310 
(https://kb.ettus.com/Using_the_RFNoC_Replay_Block).  I have established that I 
can replay play a relatively small file (~5 MB) without issues.  However, for 
much larger files, I get some strange artifacts on the output (periodic garbage 
mixed in with the desired data), and I think I am hitting the memory 
limitations described in the following note:

"Note: The amount of memory available to the Replay block is limited by the 
size of the DRAM on the USRP and how the memory interface is configured on the 
USRP. For example, the axi_intercon_2x64_128_bd IP used by the X310 is 
configured to give each connected device an address space of 32 MiB. As a 
result, the Replay block will be limited to this amount of memory. The 
axi_intercon_2x64_128_bd file must be modified if more than 32 MiB needs to be 

Can someone comment on the hard limitations in the N310?  It has 2 GB of DRAM, 
but I do not know how much of that is available, and I also do not know how to 
interpret the equivalent axi_intercon*** files for the N310. Also, there are 
two axi_intercon* files for the N310, axi_intercon_2x64_256_bd.bd and 
axi_intercon_4x64_256.bd.bd.  Does someone have an example of how the 
appropriate file has been modified for an N310?

Alternatively, can someone suggest an application note or something similar to 
get me started on how to modify the memory management of the USRP?

Thank you,
USRP-users mailing list

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