On 11/10/2018 01:24 PM, Mitchell J Grabner via USRP-users wrote:
Hi Mario,
Have you tried using 'sc8' as the wire format? That should half the usb bandwidth requirements if you don't mind some quantization noise. You can also try changing the packet size (https://files.ettus.com/manual/page_transport.html) using stream args.

- Mitch
I've found that setting num_recv_frames=128

Helps in those higher-bandwidth situations

On 11/10/2018 7:49 AM, Mario Rossi via USRP-users wrote:
I'm just wondering if anyone ever succeeded at doing this, and if so, how. I bought a B200 some time ago for its very high bandwidth, but I could never manage to use it fully without frame drops. I tried different computers, different USB cables, different OSs, different apps (from GnuRadio to the C app rx_samples_to_file).

I understand the problem is probably impossible to solve due to the lack of buffer memory in the device to be used for non-real-time host OSs, but I was wondering if anyone had a working setup where they could sample at full bandwidth without missing frames.

Thank you!

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