Hello at all, it is my first time using a mailing list so I hope I have done 
everything right.

Is it possible to use the "connection" setup described in 
https://kb.ettus.com/Transmitting_DVB-S2_with_GNU_Radio_and_an_USRP_B210 to 
transmit a DVB-T2 signal to a Smart TV via cable instead of using antennas? As 
far as I understand it the DC Blocker is only used to block the LNB Power that 
is provided by the receiver. So in my case there would not be the need of a dc 
blocker because DVB-T2 atenna do not require power?

So my question is just about the hardware connection between my USRP B210 and 
the Smart TV - all software related stuff seems very clear for me 😊. I am just 
afraid of killing my Smart TV or worst my USRP.

Best, Kurt
USRP-users mailing list

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