On 11/20/2018 11:33 AM, Xavier Arteaga wrote:
There are no message errors and they are all same streamer object.


So, if you:

uhd_usrp_get_time_now(handler->usrp, 0, &full, &frac);
frac += 0.100;
uhd_usrp_set_command_time(handler->usrp, full, frac, 0);
uhd_usrp_set_rx_rate(handler->usrp, freq, 0);
uhd_usrp_clear_command_time(handler->usrp, 0);

On 3.13  what happens?

On Tue, 20 Nov 2018 at 16:45, Marcus D. Leech via USRP-users <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com <mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>> wrote:

    On 11/20/2018 07:02 AM, Xavier Arteaga via USRP-users wrote:
    Hi all,
    I have recently checked out UHD v3.13.1.0-rc1 and found that the
    way srsLTE sets the sampling rate in UHD for the n3xx and x300 is
    wrong. However, it is right for UHD-3.9.LTS.

    Current code:
    if (handler->nof_rx_channels > 1) {
      time_t full;
      double frac;
      uhd_usrp_get_time_now(handler->usrp, 0, &full, &frac);
      frac += 0.100;
      if (frac >= 1.0) { full++; frac -= 1.0; };
      uhd_usrp_set_command_time(handler->usrp, full, frac, 0);
      for (int i=0;i<handler->nof_rx_channels;i++)
        uhd_usrp_set_rx_rate(handler->usrp, freq, i);
    } else {
      uhd_usrp_set_rx_rate(handler->usrp, freq, 0);
    }// UHD-3.9.LTS compatible

    The pdsch_ue example is able to find the cell initially but it
    does not change the sampling rate, so it does not synchronize

    So, if I leave only the following line, the software is able to
    change the sampling rate.
    uhd_usrp_set_rx_rate(handler->usrp, freq, 0); //  v3.13.1.0-rc1

    We would like to have our code as generic and compatible with all
    USRPs as possible. I could wrap code with preprocessor version
    check. At what version did this change happen? Do I need to have
    any other consideration?

    Many thanks,

    Are there any error messages produced in the 3.13 case? These
    channels are part of the same streamer object?

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