I am seeing something weird that I am sure is a simple mistake on my side, but 
I can't quite see what I am doing wrong.
I have a test transmitter outputting a signal at 391.5MHz.  It is on 10s, and 
then off 10s.  This works fine and runs independently.
My flowgraph of interest on the receive side is an RFNoC receiver tuned to 
400MHz, gain of 20, sample rate of 200MHz, bandwidth of 56MHz.
I take the RX signal, go through a DDC to take it down to a 66.6667MHz sample 
rate.  Then look at the output on a freq sink with a bandwidth of 66.6667MHz.
What I see is that the signal pops up where it shouldn't.  Sometimes the signal 
is in the plot, sometimes not.  Even when it is in the plot though, it isn't in 
the right place.  I will see it pop up at somewhere like 375MHz (and a weaker 
copy at 425MHz).  I saw it pop up correctly once, but can't repeat that.  It 
just feels like the clock is walking or something, but I can't figure out why 
it is consistently off, and occasionally not on the screen at all.
I am using a default XG bitfile.
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