We are working on a  phase interferometer direction finding application using 
X310 and one twinRx. Our basic model is  to use five channel broadband DF 
antenna  with a switching matrix which converts RF from  5 channels to  to 2 
Channels. So far we able to phase aligned all the channels and calculate angle 
of arrival for instantaneous bandwidth (5MHz) . Our  final requirement is to 
process 40MHz (dual Channel) or 80MHz (signle channel),Is it possible to 
process using 10G PCI card and some high end CPU. With 1G Ethernet I should be 
able to achieve 10MHz BW for dual channel  (20MHz for single channel)  but for 
10MHz i am getting error of time alignment of samples.  At present we are 
taking IQ samples and doing FFT in CPU and calculating AOA. 
Is it possible to do FFT and calculate angle using phase interferometer 
algorithm in less than 2ms for 40MHz BW (dual channel)  with 4K FFT.

Arun Verma

      From: Neel Pandeya <neel.pand...@ettus.com>
 To: Arun kumar Verma <arun.ve...@eiwave.com>  
Cc: "usrp-users@lists.ettus.com" <usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>
 Sent: Wednesday, 24 October 2018 4:56 AM
 Subject: Re: [USRP-users] gr-doa
Hello Arun:
The gr-doa OOT was tested with UHD and GNU Radio, but it 
should work with the latest releases, UHD and GNU Radio
It uses the default FPGA image that comes with whichever version of UHD that 
you're using. It does not require any custom or special FPGA image.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.
--Neel Pandeya

On 23 October 2018 at 13:35, Arun kumar Verma via USRP-users 
<usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

I am working on Direction of Arrival application using X310, just need 
information which FPGA image was used for gr-DOA demo application?

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