Hi Jonathon,

I installed offline version of Xilinx and checked its MD5sum. It matches. But still it gave error.

Then i have installed Vivado using online installer. This time i could compile FPGA image. So problem is solved. Thanks for your time and effort.

Best regards.


On 4.02.2019 10:56, Jonathon Pendlum wrote:
Hi Ramazan,

Running the Xilinx tools in a virtual machine will usually work, but you can run into RAM issues. Trying it in normal environment is still a good idea though.

Even though the Webpack edition is free, you still need to have a Webpack license installed. You can generate one on Xilinx's website by creating an account. I don't think the lack of a license is related to you issue though. Make sure to only use 2017.4, as 2018.2 is not supported. Did you download your installer from the Xilinx website? Xilinx posts a MD5 sum you can use to make sure your download was not corrupted.


On Mon, Feb 4, 2019 at 4:06 PM Ramazan Çetin <ramazan.ce...@gohm.com.tr <mailto:ramazan.ce...@gohm.com.tr>> wrote:

    Hi Jonathon,

    I chowned ~/.Xilinx and other folder etc. it did not work. I
    installed Vivado to another directory (/home/rcetin/opt/), it also
    did not work. I got the same error. I am running all these things
    on virtual machine. Maybe problem can be related with it. I also
    will try in real machine.

    Do you know i should make something extra in Vivado 2017.4 Webpack
    licencing (Webpack need no licence file it should directly work) ?
    And can we use Vivado 2018.2 (I have full product licence on this

    Best regards.

    On 3.02.2019 14:17, Jonathon Pendlum wrote:
    Hi Ramazan,

    I would give chowning both your Xilinx install and ~/.Xilinx to
    your username a try. If that doesn't work, try reinstalling the
    Xilinx tools.


    On Sun, Feb 3, 2019 at 4:49 PM Ramazan Çetin
    <ramazan.ce...@gohm.com.tr <mailto:ramazan.ce...@gohm.com.tr>> wrote:

        Hi Jonathon,

        Thank you for your answer. I have tried building default X310
        image and got this error.

        make -f Makefile.x300.inc bin NAME=X310_HG ARCH=kintex7
        PART_ID=xc7k410t/ffg900/-2 BUILD_1G=1 BUILD_10G=1 SFP0_1GBE=1
        SFP1_10GBE=1 X310=1 TOP_MODULE=x300 EXTRA_DEFS="BUILD_1G=1
        BUILD_10G=1 SFP0_1GBE=1 SFP1_10GBE=1  X310=1"
        make[1]: Entering directory
        BUILDER: Checking tools...
        * GNU bash, version 4.3.48(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
        * Python 2.7.12
        * Vivado v2017.4 (64-bit)
        BUILDER: Building IP ten_gig_eth_pcs_pma
        BUILDER: Staging IP in build directory...
        BUILDER: Reserving IP location:
        BUILDER: Retargeting IP to part kintex7/xc7k410t/ffg900/-2...
        BUILDER: Building IP...
        [00:00:00] Executing command: vivado -mode batch -source
        -log ten_gig_eth_pcs_pma.log -nojournal
        [00:00:10] Current task: Initialization +++ Current Phase:
        WARNING: [Device 21-436] No parts matched 'xc7k410tffg900-2'
        ERROR: [Coretcl 2-106] Specified part could not be found.
        [00:00:10] Current task: Initialization +++ Current Phase:
        [00:00:10] Process terminated. Status: Failure

        Warnings:           1
        Critical Warnings:  0
        Errors:             1

        BUILDER: Releasing IP location:
        recipe for target
        make[1]: ***
        Error 1
        make[1]: Leaving directory
        Makefile:72: recipe for target 'X310_HG' failed
        make: *** [X310_HG] Error 2

        I think it can be licence related problem. Because i
        installed webpack version of Vivado (This version requires no

        When i try building default E310 image;

        cd .../top/e300

        source setupenv.sh

        make E310_sg3

        I got the same error as before.

        make -f Makefile.e300.inc bin NAME=E310_sg3 ARCH=zynq
        PART_ID=xc7z020/clg484/-3 TOP_MODULE=e300 E310=1 E3XX_SG3=1
        EXTRA_DEFS="E310=1 E3XX_SG3=1"
        make[1]: Entering directory
        BUILDER: Checking tools...
        * GNU bash, version 4.3.48(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
        * Python 2.7.12
        * Vivado v2017.4 (64-bit)
        BUILDER: Building IP axi4_to_axi3_protocol_converter
        BUILDER: Staging IP in build directory...
        BUILDER: Reserving IP location:
        BUILDER: Retargeting IP to part zynq/xc7z020/clg484/-3...
        BUILDER: Building IP...
        [00:00:00] Executing command: vivado -mode batch -source
        -log axi4_to_axi3_protocol_converter.log -nojournal
        CRITICAL WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1977] Unable to read IP file
        This IP will not be included in the IP Catalog.
        CRITICAL WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1977] Unable to read IP file
        This IP will not be included in the IP Catalog.
        WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-4994] Overwriting existing constraint
        CRITICAL WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1977] Unable to read IP file
        This IP will not be included in the IP Catalog.
        CRITICAL WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1977] Unable to read IP file
        This IP will not be included in the IP Catalog.
        [00:00:11] Current task: Initialization +++ Current Phase:
        [00:00:11] Current task: Initialization +++ Current Phase:
        [00:00:11] Executing Tcl: synth_design -top
        axi4_to_axi3_protocol_converter -part xc7z020clg484-3 -mode
        [00:00:11] Starting Synthesis Command
        ERROR: [filemgmt 56-148]
        ERROR: [Common 17-53] User Exception: No open design. Please
        open an elaborated, synthesized or implemented design before
        executing this command.
        ERROR: [Common 17-53] User Exception: No open design. Please
        open an elaborated, synthesized or implemented design before
        executing this command.
        ERROR: [Common 17-53] User Exception: No open design. Please
        open an elaborated, synthesized or implemented design before
        executing this command.
        ERROR: [Common 17-53] User Exception: No open design. Please
        open an elaborated, synthesized or implemented design before
        executing this command.
        ERROR: [Common 17-53] User Exception: No open design. Please
        open an elaborated, synthesized or implemented design before
        executing this command.
        ERROR: [Common 17-53] User Exception: No open design. Please
        open an elaborated, synthesized or implemented design before
        executing this command.
        [00:00:12] Current task: Synthesis +++ Current Phase: Starting
        ERROR: [Vivado 12-398] No designs are open
        [00:00:12] Current task: Synthesis +++ Current Phase: Finished
        [00:00:12] Process terminated. Status: Failure

        Warnings:           1
        Critical Warnings:  4
        Errors:             8

        BUILDER: Releasing IP location:
        recipe for target
        make[1]: ***
        Error 1
        make[1]: Leaving directory
        Makefile:60: recipe for target 'E310_sg3' failed
        make: *** [E310_sg3] Error 2

        The error says it cannot read ip file.

        CRITICAL WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1977] Unable to read IP file
        This IP will not be included in the IP Catalog.

        I installed Xilinx Vivado using root privileges. Can the
        problem related with privileges ? I think Webpack version is
        okay for E310 (No licence reuires).

        Thank you for your time.

        Best regards.
        On 3.02.2019 06:22, Jonathon Pendlum wrote:
        Hi Ramazan,

        I was able to build an E310 RFNoC image with a DDC and FFT
        block from master (e57dfe075) on the FPGA repo, so I don't
        think there is an issue with the code base. The error
        messages make me wonder if your Vivado install is corrupt.
        Are you able to build any other images, such as the default
        X310 image (i.e. run 'source setupenv.sh; make X310_HG' in
        the fpga/usrp3/top/x300 dir)?


        On Sun, Feb 3, 2019 at 6:53 AM Ramazan Çetin via USRP-users
        <mailto:usrp-users@lists.ettus.com>> wrote:

            Hello all, (Sorry about multiple messages. I guess i had
            a problem about
            my mail client)

            I am trying to build custom FPGA image for E310 which
            includes DDC and FFT.

            I compiled and installed;

            - UHD master branch (using -DENABLE_RFNOC=ON)

            - gnuradio v3.7.13.4

            - gr-ettus master

            After installing i have checked version of UHD.

            UHD version:

            Then according to instructions in this page :

            I cloned https://github.com/EttusResearch/fpga.git repo.
            I have Xilinx
            Vivado 2017.4 webpack.

            Then, I setup environment from

            cd {USER_PREFIX}/fpga/usrp3/tools/scripts
            ./uhd_image_builder.py ddc fft -d e310 -t E310_RFNOC_sg3
            -m 5

            --Using the following blocks to generate image:
                 * ddc
                 * fft
            Adding CE instantiation file for 'E310_RFNOC_sg3'
            changing temporarily working directory to
            Setting up a 64-bit FPGA build environment for the
            - Vivado: Found (/opt/Xilinx/Vivado/2017.4/bin)

            Environment successfully initialized.
            make -f Makefile.e300.inc bin NAME=E310_RFNOC_sg3 ARCH=zynq
            PART_ID=xc7z020/clg484/-3 TOP_MODULE=e300 RFNOC=1 E310=1
            EXTRA_DEFS="RFNOC=1 E310=1"
            make[1]: Entering directory
            BUILDER: Checking tools...
            * GNU bash, version 4.3.48(1)-release (x86_64-pc-linux-gnu)
            * Python 2.7.12
            * Vivado v2017.4 (64-bit)
            BUILDER: Building IP axi_dma_stream
            BUILDER: Staging IP in build directory...
            BUILDER: Reserving IP location:
            BUILDER: Retargeting IP to part zynq/xc7z020/clg484/-3...
            BUILDER: Building IP...
            [00:00:00] Executing command: vivado -mode batch -source
            axi_dma_stream.log -nojournal
            CRITICAL WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1977] Unable to read IP file

            This IP will not be included in the IP Catalog.
            CRITICAL WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1977] Unable to read IP file

            This IP will not be included in the IP Catalog.
            CRITICAL WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1977] Unable to read IP file

            This IP will not be included in the IP Catalog.
            CRITICAL WARNING: [IP_Flow 19-1977] Unable to read IP file

            This IP will not be included in the IP Catalog.
            [00:00:13] Current task: Initialization +++ Current
            Phase: Starting
            [00:00:13] Current task: Initialization +++ Current
            Phase: Finished
            [00:00:13] Executing Tcl: synth_design -top
            axi_dma_stream -part
            xc7z020clg484-3 -mode out_of_context
            [00:00:13] Starting Synthesis Command
            [00:00:13] Current task: Synthesis +++ Current Phase:
            ERROR: [filemgmt 56-148]
            ERROR: [Common 17-53] User Exception: No open design.
            Please open an
            elaborated, synthesized or implemented design before
            executing this command.
            ERROR: [Common 17-53] User Exception: No open design.
            Please open an
            elaborated, synthesized or implemented design before
            executing this command.
            ERROR: [Common 17-53] User Exception: No open design.
            Please open an
            elaborated, synthesized or implemented design before
            executing this command.
            ERROR: [Common 17-53] User Exception: No open design.
            Please open an
            elaborated, synthesized or implemented design before
            executing this command.
            ERROR: [Common 17-53] User Exception: No open design.
            Please open an
            elaborated, synthesized or implemented design before
            executing this command.
            ERROR: [Common 17-53] User Exception: No open design.
            Please open an
            elaborated, synthesized or implemented design before
            executing this command.
            ERROR: [Vivado 12-398] No designs are open
            [00:00:14] Current task: Synthesis +++ Current Phase:
            [00:00:14] Process terminated. Status: Failure

            Warnings:           0
            Critical Warnings:  4
            Errors:             8

            BUILDER: Releasing IP location:

            recipe for target

            make[1]: ***

            Error 1
            make[1]: Leaving directory
            Makefile:70: recipe for target 'E310_RFNOC_sg3' failed
            make: *** [E310_RFNOC_sg3] Error 2

            Can you please point me what i did wrong ?

            Best Regards.

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