Thank you very much!

Zhao Xu

Michael Dickens <> 于2019年8月9日周五 下午1:33写道:

> Hi Zhao Xu - Your query is really about GNSS-SDR, not about USRP (or GNU
> Radio). Hence it is better suited for their email list <
> >, or
> directly to one of their development team < >,
> or maybe on their GitHub < >. I've
> always had good success in contacting the GNSS-SDR team via various of
> these methods; hopefully you will too! - MLD
> On Fri, Aug 9, 2019, at 1:19 PM, Xu, Zhao via USRP-users wrote:
> Hello, I am trying to use USRP N210 to get the code phase of the received
> satellite signal. And I have the output of Acquisition and Tracking Blocks
> after running gnss-sdr command according to the instructions (
> ).
> However, I cannot understand the usage of these data and I also cannot
> find some detailed explanation of the output file. I have the following
> data and could you please tell me how I can calculate the code phase?

Zhao Xu
USRP-users mailing list

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