
We've pushed updated flowgraphs into gr-ettus for the networked fosphor
example to fix the FIFO select and QT display issues. There is a few more
minor things fixed in them but can you please give them and try on your
system? I will try to replicate the siggen issue you ran into.

Nate Temple

On Sun, Aug 11, 2019 at 1:38 PM d.des via USRP-users <
usrp-users@lists.ettus.com> wrote:

> Thanks, Royce, that fixed the usrp side of both fosphor and my block!
> I also made two minor tweaks to the host side to get fosphor working on
> my PC. These are probably things that a Gnuradio expert would see right
> away but in case there's anyone else out there who primarily uses the
> c++ uhd interface and is barely Gnuradio literate here goes:
> The first problem was a segfault whenever the host side program
> rfnoc_siggen_network_host.py was launched. That turned out to be a
> problem with fosphor_display_impl.cc. The method
> "bool fosphor_display_impl::start()" ended without returning anything
> and my Fedora 30 machine really hated that. I put in a "return true"
> line at the end of the function and that fixed the problem. (It doesn't
> seem to matter whether the function returns true or false, it just
> needs to return something.)
> The second issue with the examples in stock form was that when I opened
> rfnoc_fosphor_network_host at first all I saw were controls, no plot. I
> spent some time looking for QT issues but it turned out to be really
> simple: there were GUI hints set on the slider controls but not on on
> the fosphor display block. The quickest fix is to remove the hints on
> the controls and the display shows up.
> Fosphor is a really nice quick survey tool. It's great to see 56 MHz at
> once with just a laptop and battery-powered E310.
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