On 09/23/2019 12:04 PM, Markus Roman via USRP-users wrote:


Let's consider two simple test configurations using both channels of a USRPX310 SDR*,* and developed in GNU Radio:

1.SDRs in TX mode: generate a cosine signal, transmit with SDRs and visualize their phase offset on an O-scope and

2.SDRs in RX mode: SDRs receive a signal from a signal generator and display their phase offset on a computer.

In the 1^st configuration the phase offsets between channels are consistent even if we power off the SDR. However, in the 2^nd configuration, each time when the GNU Radio script is restarted, the phase difference is changing. I wonder what could cause the issue, specifically what determines re-tuning in the GNU Radio script. Can this issue be corrected?

Thank you.



You haven't stated which daughter-cards you're using.

In order to have zero phase-offset, you need to use timed commands, typically, and Gnu Radio/GRC has no direct provision for
  that so you have to edit the code.

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