I have an issue that is very odd to me.  I have tried two different X310s with 
different daughter cards and they are all exhibiting this behavior.  It feels 
like I am doing something stupid, but I can't quite figure out what. (a picture 
is attached)

If I have a usrp source connected to a freq sync, everything is golden.  If I 
instead use an RFNoC source connected to a DDC to the freq sync, I get 
inconsistent results.  I think the settings are the exact same, but it feels 
like the radio is not being reset properly.  Sometimes it tunes to where I tell 
it to and I can see my signal of interest perfectly, other times it off-tunes 
anywhere from a few MHz to way off the screen.  Subsequent retuning seems to 
actually make changes to the tune frequency, but not consistently (maybe I need 
to tune to 943MHz one time to mimic a tune to 910MHz. the next time I would 
have to tune somewhere else).

I am using the stock image and have tried with both XG and HG (though I am 
mostly testing with XG).


GR v3.7.13.4
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