If I remove “constexpr” completely, thus “static double ASAP = 0.0 ;”, I get a 
different error, E1592, “a member with an in-class initialize must be const”.

I also did a ‘update’ to my MSVC 2017 installation, to make sure it is current, 
but that did not change anything.

Trying “static const double ASAP = 0.0 ;”, I get error E1591, a member of type 
“const double” cannot have an in-class initializer.

It looks like making it “const double ASAP = 0.0  ;”, gets rid of the that 

But then I end up with 100’s of errors, C2440 ‘default argumnet’: cannot 
convert from ‘unknown’ to uhd::timespect_t(), and E2597, illegal reference to 
non-static member ‘uhd::time_spec_t::ASAP.

Any suggestions?



From: Michael Dickens [mailto:michael.dick...@ettus.com]
Sent: Monday, April 27, 2020 17:17
To: Clark (US), Kenneth C <kenneth.c.cla...@boeing.com>
Cc: usrp-users@lists.ettus.com; supp...@ettus.com
Subject: Re: Build Error in MSVC 2017 in time_spec.hpp

Hi Ken - Try removing the "constexpr" entirely. We love "const" and 
"constexpr", but some compilers don't love them in various forms / combinations 
:) Hopefully that will get you past that issue. - MLD
Michael Dickens
Ettus Research Technical Support
Email: supp...@ettus.com<mailto:supp...@ettus.com>
Web: https://ettus.com/

On Mon, Apr 27, 2020 at 1:08 PM Clark (US), Kenneth C 
<kenneth.c.cla...@boeing.com<mailto:kenneth.c.cla...@boeing.com>> wrote:

Trying to build the "host" applications on Windows 10, MSVC 2017 (aka 141).

The line below in time_spec.hpp

static constexpr double ASAP = 0.0;

Generates error E0145 in MSVC 2017, "member "uhd::time_spec_t::ASAP" may not be 

I have tried not initializing it, making it const instead of constexpr, but 
still get errors.

This same code base builds find in Linux (current Ubuntu distro).

Any ideas?


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