Hi Folks,

I would like to write my own Python 3 script to stream Rx samples off my
Ettus B210 USRP.  I have installed the Python API on my Ubuntu laptop, but
I can't seem to get it to work, despite trying numerous ideas I found on
the Ettus Knowledge Base.

For example, check out the following Python interpreter log.  I can call
"import uhd" OK, but the call to uhd.usrp.MultiUSRP() causes an error:

Python 3.7.7 (default, Mar 26 2020, 15:48:22)
[GCC 7.3.0] :: Anaconda, Inc. on linux
Type "help", "copyright", "credits" or "license" for more information.
>>> import uhd
>>> my_usrp = uhd.usrp.MultiUSRP("type=b200")
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
AttributeError: module 'uhd' has no attribute 'usrp'

Another example:  If I try to run the example script
"uhd/host/examples/python/rx_to_file.py", I get the following error:
"ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'uhd'"

The API installation procedure I have followed to this point is as follows:
1.  python3 -m pip install python-dev-tools --user --upgrade
2.  git clone https://github.com/EttusResearch/uhd.git
3.  pybombs install uhd
4.  cmake $HOME/uhd/host

-- # UHD enabled components
-- ######################################################
--   * LibUHD
--   * LibUHD - C API
--   * LibUHD - Python API
--   * Examples
--   * Utils
--   * Tests
--   * USB
--   * B100
--   * B200
--   * USRP1
--   * USRP2
--   * X300
--   * MPMD
--   * N300
--   * N320
--   * E320
--   * E300
--   * OctoClock
--   * Manual
--   * API/Doxygen
--   * Man Pages
-- ######################################################
-- # UHD disabled components
-- ######################################################
--   * DPDK
-- ******************************************************
-- * You are building the UHD development master branch.
-- * For production code, we recommend our stable,
-- * releases or using the release branch (maint).
-- ******************************************************
-- Building version:
-- Using install prefix: /usr/local
-- Configuring done
-- Generating done
-- Build files have been written to: /home/anyone/uhd/host

5.  Set up Ubuntu dependencies: sudo apt-get install libboost-all-dev
libusb-1.0-0-dev doxygen python3-docutils python3-mako python3-numpy
python3-requests python3-ruamel.yaml python3-setuptools cmake
6.  Add the following line to .bashrc:  export

FYI -- I am running Ubuntu 18.04 on an HP Omen laptop with an Intel
i7-8750H CPU and 32 GB of RAM.

Can anyone tell me what the source of this problem could be?  Any advice or
suggestions would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks & Regards,
USRP-users mailing list

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