
I am trying to set up an X310 with 2 TwinRX boards such that:

- each RF channel may be tuned to a different GNSS L-band frequency
- all four RF channels may be synchronised in time
- data streaming on all four channels at 100 MS/s (we are using dual 10G 
Ethernet for this)

I'm pretty much a beginner when it comes to USRPs. I am using GNU radio to 
configure the USRP but so far it only recognizes two input channels. We found 
the code posted here - 
 - useful but on closer inspection all four channels were set to the same 
frequency and it looks to be doing something different to what we want (it 
looks like it was written specifically to synchronise four channels receiving 
the same signal so that you can calibrate the internal phase offset of the USRP)

Does anyone have any example code they might be willing to share, if only to 
get us started, to get our desired set-up?


Oliver T

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