On 20/05/2023 18:03, zhou via USRP-users wrote:

I installed UHD 4.4 recently. I use USRP for both transmission and receive. I find that EVM in the tail part of the captured signal is higher, e.g., in a 20-slot capture, in the first 19 slots, EVM~= 1.2%, but in slot#20, evm ~=2.9%.

UHD 3.10 was fine. I have found this problem in UHD 4.0 and UHD 4.1. Now it still exists in UHD 4.4. My solution is to capture 1ms more than what I need.

Is this a bug in FPGA?


Without telling us what you mean by a "slot", and exactly how you're capturing, it's impossible to say.   Remember, applications   of USRPs are *incredibly diverse*, so if you're using nomenclature that is specific to your particular work, others may not
  understand what it is you're doing.   Please be more specific.

My guess is that you're doing a timed capture for an exact number of samples, and that timing has become a bit more   "tight" in more recent releases, so you're capturing samples as the receiver is shutting down, or the transmitter is
  shutting down.

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