Boa Noite!!!

Se eu votasse tinha meu voto chefe.

Boa sorte espero que você seja eleita.

2013/12/7 Eliane Domingos de Sousa <>

> Olá Comunidade,
> Compartilho aqui o e-mail sobre a eleição do Conselho Diretor da Document
> Foundation 2013, que terá o início de votação na terça-feira (10/12/2013).
> Os membros eleitos ativos da TDF receberão um e-mail da votação com token.
> Eu já recebi o meu e-mail com o token. Quem for membro e ainda não recebeu
> o e-mail, favor enviar  um e-mail em inglês para Cor Nouws:
> A hora de eleger o novo conselho é agora.
> Desejo boa sorte a todos os candidatos.
> Conto com o voto de vocês, pois também sou candidata.
> Grande abraço
> Eliane Domingos de Sousa
> -------- Mensagem original --------
> Assunto:        [board-discuss] TDF Board Elections 2013 Voting
> Data:   Sat, 07 Dec 2013 22:52:56 +0100
> De:     Cor Nouws <>
> Para:, board-discuss@
> Dear TDF members,
> It is nearly time to vote for the next Board of Directors!
> During the past weeks, members have been nominated or nominated
> themselves, willing to serve at the Board of our Foundation. People
> working on all aspects of LibreOffice and in all parts of the community.
> So now the important task for all of us: voting :)
> The details of this election process have been outlined in the first
> announcement:
> IMPORTANT: The election credentials and voting instructions for voting
> in The Document Foundation Board elections 2013 were just sent to all
> eligible voters.
> The voting period starts 2013-12-10, 00:00 CET/UTC+1 and ends
> 2013-12-17, 24:00 CET/UTC+1. The statements of the candidates as well as
> links to the full nomination e-mails, can be found at
> The detailed rules are available at
> The Document Foundation uses a modern preference voting system that
> requires you to vote by selecting as many of the candidates as you would
> like to see elected, sorted in your order of preference. After you have
> voted, you will receive an anonymous token that can be used at the end
> of the elections to verify your vote was counted.
> If you are a member - see the page at
> - and you have not
> received your credentials:
> 1. Please verify you are actually a member of The Document Foundation.
> Only members are eligible to vote.
> 2. Please check your spam folder. In the past, a few voters discovered
> their voting credentials were erroneously tagged as spam by their provider.
> 3. Please check all your e-mail accounts.
> If you are certain you are eligible to vote, and have not received your
> credentials despite the above steps, please contact the Membership
> Committee in private at for
> instructions on how to proceed.
> IMPORTANT: Please check NOW if you have received your token, so any
> possible problem can be resolved in time.
> If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to ask the
> Membership Committee in private at
> Happy voting!
> Cor Nouws
> --
>  The Document Foundation - Chairman Membership Committee
>  twitter : cor4office
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*Henderson Matsuura Sanches Cel. (61) 9977 - 0522 *

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