On 2018-02-01 11:28, IETF Meeting Session Request Tool wrote:
> A new meeting session request has just been submitted by Leif Johansson, a 
> Chair of the uta working group.

We expect to spend most of the time finishing oustanding work but if
somebody wants to raise any issues that would benefit from face-time
please raise them asap!

        Cheers Leif & Valery

> ---------------------------------------------------------
> Working Group Name: Using TLS in Applications
> Area Name: Applications and Real-Time Area
> Session Requester: Leif Johansson
> Number of Sessions: 1
> Length of Session(s):  1 Hour
> Number of Attendees: 50
> Conflicts to Avoid: 
>  First Priority: tokbind tls oauth secevent
> People who must be present:
>   Keith Moore
>   Chris Newman
>   Orit Levin
>   Alexey Melnikov
>   Valery Smyslov
>   Leif Johansson
>   Jim Fenton
> Resources Requested:
> Special Requests:
>   please avoid mail or security related BoFs if possible
> ---------------------------------------------------------

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